A work package (WP) is defined here as a major subdivision of this EULA-GTEC project. All WP are designed for a proper articulation, with well-defined tasks, a leading partner in charge of the coordination of tasks, within a time framework. Linkages among all WP ensure the achievement of the outcomes and results foreseen. The list below summarizes the work package contents:

  • WP1: Preparation WP. The aim is to strengthen the partner network, set a common ground for quite different approaches and methodologies, identify needs and demands of SMEs in terms of TIM, and identify the possible targeted students, all as a baseline for curricular design.

Responsible teams: UNMDP (Argentina, WP Leader) – AMU (France, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP2: Development WP. The goal is to develop the curricular design of the master programme in TIM, with a blended learning strategy. The design will also involve suitable online tools (experiential learning, simulation based training, gaming, groups of collaborative learning, performance assessment tool for auto-evaluation).

Responsible teams: UAB (Spain, WP Leader) – AMU (France, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP3: Development WP. The goal is to train teachers properly to act in the new designed curriculum and to adopt the approaches involved in it.

Responsible teams: UNIBO (Italy, WP Leader) – PUCH (Peru, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP4: Development WP. The aim is to develop the first year and a half of the master programme at least at two LA HEI.

Responsible teams: FUSP (Brazil, WP Leader) – UNLu (Argentina, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP5: Development WP. The goal is the design and launching of an Observatory or Antenna that allow perceiving training problems among managers (to improve training offers) and identifying SMEs demands, which are not clearly revealed (to improve demand identification). The Observatory will also contribute to the employability of graduates creating links with the SMEs labour market.

Responsible teams: UNIBO (Italy, WP Leader) – UNMDP (Argentina, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP6: Development WP. The goal is to design and launch a sustainable IT Platform for three purposes:

a) support training/education for the master programme;

b) building capacity through a Collaborative Network (definition of good practices for teaching, co-creation of new metholologies, mobilization of teachers among partners, provision of e-services, etc.);

c) website and content dissemination.

Responsible teams: UNLu (Argentina, WP Leader) – USP (Brazil, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP7: Assurance Quality WP. The goal is to verify that the project processes and results meet the desired standards and the expected aims.

Responsible teams: IUL (Portugal, WP Leader) – UNMDP (Argentina, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP8: Dissemination & Exploitation WP. The aim is to spread and publish the results of the project, the educational offer of courses and seminars, as well as the use of online marketing tools (simulation, e-services, etc.).

Responsible teams: PUCP (Peru, WP Leader) – UAB (Spain, WP Co-Leader)

  • WP9: Management WP. The goal is to ensure that the project remains on track and it is effectively and correctly administered.

Responsible teams: UNLu (Argentina, WP leader) – UAB (Spain, WP Co-leader)