Aims and Objectives

In order to strengthen scientific cooperation and increase the knowledge and technology transfer between EU and LA, the EULA-GTEC project will allow sharing the experience developed in both areas (good practices) and using renewed blended learning tools (methodology and approaches) in particular in the field of technology and innovation management (TIM). The project has the following three main aims:

  • To develop, test, and implement an international pilot experience, run by LA and EU HEIs, based on a master degree for promoting TIM in SMEs, using blended learning instruments.
  • To increase the relevance of LA and EU HEIs in the connection process between research and
    innovation, within a Circular Economy approach.
  • To build a collaborative international network with HEIs, SMEs, technology brokers, R&D centers, local and national authorities, and different actors involved into the innovation process, for designing and implementing the pilot experience.

These aims are convergent into one main unique target of the project, which is:

  • To promote the creation of new academic profiles that allow the generation of creative links between the research centres/universities and the socio-productive sector, and impell innovative sustainable solutions for both regions based on new and/or innovative technologies or solutions.

Specific Objectives

  • To increase the quality and quantity of human capital – particularly in SMEs – devoted to knowledge management, technology transfer, financing innovative start-ups, solving sustainability problems.
  • To train/educate new professionals with new competences and behaviours, capable of: discovering
    new opportunities, harmonizing technology transfer, developing research projects, managing financing schemes, introducing sustainability solutions and circular economy (concepts, business models, instruments), fostering society and market interactions and innovation in varied fields.
  • To develop an IT platform with on-line tools, which will allow the launching and implementation of a
    Master Programme for the education and training of innovation managers.
  • To create an Antenna system, connecting closely the master degree to the industry, by identifying firm innovative needs to promote their training and graduate’s employability, within a blended learning approach.

Broadly speaking, the main objective of this proposal is to build an e-learning system –based on a participatory and cooperative innovation model associated with a training/education programme at academic level- on how to identify product, process and service opportunities emerging in different fields with a sustainable approach. The programme will create competences for transforming knowledge into added value for society, will provide entrepreneurship training to participants, will present innovative forms of financing (such as crowd-sourcing). An important focus will be on the solution of environmental problems with new tools within the approach of circular economy.

In brief, this project has the aim to create capacities on TIM in social and productive applications in order to build a bridge to overcome the gap between research and industry, increasing the competitiveness of SMEs and in general social wealth in the target areas.

Effective actions of this kind are still missing in LA countries, so this project intends to give a  significant contribution to fill this gap, helping to overcome the “European paradox”.